Technology has eased the strain of the pandemic to a great degree, in my opinion. Social media, for all its problems with trolling and the like, has also provided us with a great deal of creative amusement as people go online with gallows humour to entertain us with jokes and spoof videos.
For those isolating indoors miles from their loved ones – be it aged parents or adult children – video apps like FaceTime allow for the sort of personal connection that would have been unthinkable if this crisis had happened just a few years ago. So, with all the challenges we currently face, from grocery shortages to maintaining mental wellbeing, we must count our blessings and stay strong.
I have been using the time to think about all the great auctions we will be able to stage once this period of incarceration is over, especially as it is apparent that with people stuck inside, many of them are spending their time decluttering and going through the treasures in their attics. I’d like to think that I and my team will be able to play a part in rewarding them for their efforts by making sure that whatever they decided to consign for sale as a result achieves a decent price. Thinking positively definitely helps.