From Surrey to Sunflowers – the talent of Helen Allingham
One of the delights of researching lots that we will be selling at auction is when they turn up a previously unknown or long-forgotten connection. Sometimes, the bare bones of the story are known, but teasing out the details makes it all the more fun.
In recent years we have been fortunate enough to offer a number of superb works by Helen Allingham, a Victorian and Edwardian artist whose wonderful cottage scenes have remained as popular and valuable as ever, even as the general trend for Victorian art has been static or downward when it comes to popularity and price.
One of the reasons that Allingham has proved such a feature here is that she lived and died in the area.
Having married William Allingham, the Irish poet and Editor of Fraser’s Magazine, in 1874, she gave up her career as an illustrator and turned her hand, instead, to watercolours. Seven years later they moved from Chelsea to Witley. Inspired by the surrounding countryside, along with its cottages and farmhouses, she never looked back. She died in Haslemere in 1926.
The first woman admitted as a full member of the Royal Watercolour Society, Allingham was occasionally subjected to the criticism that her compositions were overly sentimental. Sentimental, yes; overly sentimental? Not in my view. Anyway, she had the last laugh, as the market now shows.
However, my favourite discovery about her was that while working as an illustrator, she caught the eye of a struggling young artist who took inspiration from her work. His name? Vincent Van Gogh.
How the new is helping to keep the old on track
As Corporal Jones used to say in Dad’s Army: “Don’t panic!”
Yes, we are going through tough times and the challenges people face are not to be dismissed lightly, if at all. I’m sure we all know people who have suffered in one way or another and we should spare a moment to think about them on a regular basis.
It’s also important to remain positive, though, as this is the best way of helping other people. One of the most important things to remember is that it is when times are at their most challenging that we tend to be the most creative, especially when it comes to problem solving.
I have been noticing this recently in the wonderful world of art and antiques, where auctioneers and dealers alike face mounting issues not just from cross-border trade with the European Union, but also from fast encroaching new legislation that seems aimed at restricting most things we do.
Stepping into the breach have been a series of new technology companies who, having spotted a gap in the market, have been developing systems to help art market professionals communicate better with potential customers so that they get what they want, as well as smoothing the path towards compliance.
We all came into what is, after all, the original recycling business so that we could make a reasonable to good living handling beautiful objects. The more mature among us may be more traditional in our approach, but we should welcome the new, like this, if it helps us stay on track and spend more time doing what we love rather than tackling seemingly insurmountable problems. Bring on the tech!
Why I’m a fan of the 18th century Gap Year
Up until the pandemic, many school leavers embarked on what has become known as a Gap Year, prior to going on to university, during which they travelled to broaden the mind, experience other cultures and generally have a good time.
I’m in favour of this idea. When it works well, the 19-year-old who returns tends to be a bit more mature, understanding and appreciative of home, parents and the world around them than the 18-year-old who departed. That can only be a good thing when they are expected to knuckle down to academia once more. Pity those who have to go straight from school to uni on that score.
A rather magnificent pair of pietra dura columns in our January 28 sale reminded me that the Gap Year is no new phenomenon. From around 1660 to the 1840s, we knew it then as the Grand Tour.
A rather more exclusive arrangement available only to the offspring of the truly wealthy, usually when they came of age at 21, could last several years.
This rite of passage tended to take as its theme the rounding off a gentleman’s education by steeping him the classical, neo-classical and Renaissance wonders of Europe, especially in Greece and Italy. I’m quite sure that when these young bucks managed to slip away from their attendant chaperones, they also indulged in more lively activities, but the mementoes they brought home with them in the form of statues, architectural pieces, paintings and objects went on to form some of our nation’s best-known collections. Without them, our tradition of collecting art and antiques would not be what it is today.
Some clarity through the haze of lockdown rules
Lockdown continues to confuse: what are the guidelines for auctions at the moment?
Premises must remain closed to the public but online-only auctions, website sales, ‘click and collect’ and deliveries can still be undertaken. Auction houses and valuers can also offer professional services.
The Society of Fine Art Auctioneers (SOFAA) has received confirmation from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) that art and antiques businesses can continue to trade through the latest alert level 5 national lockdown in England which was announced on January 4.
SOFAA chairman Helen Carless said: “DCMS confirmed auction houses must physically close to visitors but they can offer online-only auctions as they have been able to during both of the previous lockdowns.
“They can also continue to offer probate and other valuations.”
The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy also confirmed to trade paper Antiques Trade Gazette that “tradespeople that have to go to other houses to work can continue as long as they operate in a Covid-secure way”.
Many UK auction houses are adopting a ‘business as usual’ approach and are continuing to conduct sales and accept consignments into auctions to be staged in February and March.
So there you have it: while we cannot welcome you through the doors of our Fernhurst salerooms as we would like, if you want to get something valued, or want to sell it, or want to bid on something, all of this is permitted now under the conditions set out above.
I hope that helps!