A good strong sale with two particular Lots flying out the door. Lots 136 & 256 did very well.. the first Lot 136 sold on the phone. Alonzo C Webb (1888-1975) American. An American City Skyline, possibly Chicago, mixed media, signed and dated 1950, 20” x 26”. Estimated at £400-£600, it fetched £3200. Lot 256 attributed to George Mullins (act.1756-1775) Irish. Study of an Old Man, seated in a Landscape, oil on canvas laid down, signed and dated ‘AD 1772’, Unframed, 26” x 20”. Estimated at £150-£250, it also went for £3200 to an internet buyer.
The next Paintings auction will be 20th December. Keep an eye on our website for further details.